EFF - significado y definición. Qué es EFF
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Qué (quién) es EFF - definición

Eff; EFF (disambiguation)

¦ noun & verb Brit. used as a euphemism for 'fuck'.
eff and blind informal swear. [blind from its use in expletives such as blind me (see blimey).]
effing adjective & adverb



EFF or eff may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para EFF
1. by the EFF.
How The Cult of The Dead Cow Helped Shape Modern Cybersecurity _ Joseph Menn _ Talks at Google
2. becoming the EFF.
Liars and Outliers _ Bruce Schneier _ Talks at Google
3. the EFF, or the ACLU.
The Stellar Consensus Protocol _ David Mazières _ Talks at Google
4. DRIVER: What in the eff?
Due Date (2010)
5. And organizations like EFF and ACLU
The Threats of Mass Survelliance _ Timothy Edgar _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de EFF
1. We have a lively disagreement, but end the meeting on friendly terms." Had he ever told him to eff off?
2. The can see every person who ever called the ACLU, or the EFF, or any other privacy organization.
3. Suspicions were heightened when the problem disappeared just 20 minutes after the EFF put out a press release about it.
4. Her earliest eff ort to be simply Kylie, with no help from feathered frippery or electronic decibels, was traumatic.
5. Faster economic growth and less eff ort spent on tax avoidance more than compensated for lower rates.